Halo :) Wah asyik banget ya Wishful Wednesdaynya
bertepatan dengan Hari Natal. Dan juga pas saya lagi menjalani minggu tenang
sebelum UAS (yang malah bikin makin deg-degan). Biasanya, hari Rabu kuliah saya
full, jadinya ya baru bisa submit WW pas malem . Ugh.
langsung aja kali ya. Wishful Wednesday saya di hari Rabu terakhir tahun ini
Where She
Went by Gayle Forman [bookdepository]
The highly anticipated sequel to the "New York Times" bestselling and critically acclaimed "If I Stay" Picking up several years after the dramatic conclusion of "If I Stay," "Where She Went" continues the story of Adam and Mia, from Adam's point of view. Ever since Mia's decision to stay - but not with him - Adam's career has been on a wonderful trajectory. His album, borne from the anguish and pain of their breakup, has made him a bona fide star. And Mia herself has become a top-rate cellist, playing in some of the finest venues in the world. When their respective paths put them both in New York City at the same time, the result is a single night in which the two reunite - with wholly satisfying results. And don't miss Gayle's newest novel, JUST ONE DAY and the forthcoming companion, JUST ONE YEAR.
Udah tamat
doooong buku pertamanya ;) salah satu alasan ngebet banget sama buku ini adalah
karena sekuelnya ini diceritakan dari Adam Wilde’s POV!!!! Penasaran juga sama
kelanjutan kisah Mia :’)
Sampai jumpa
di Wishful Wednesday tahun depan ya. Apa Wishful Wednesday-mu minggu ini? Kalau mau ikutan atau mau lihat WW para member BBI bisa dilihat di blog Kak Astrid :)
Selamat UAS
bagi yang menjalankan, dan juga selamat berlibur bagi teman-teman yang udah atau malah nggak ada UAS *dadah dadah*