Sunday 24 November 2013

Ditched: A Love Story by Robin Mellom

Judul: Ditched: A Love Story
Penulis: Robin Mellom
Tebal: 277 halaman
Penerbit: Disney-Hyperion
First Published in January 10th 2012

There's a girl.
Justina Griffith was never the girl who dreamed of going to prom. Designer dresses and strappy heels? Not her thing. That said, she never expected her best friend, Ian Clark, to ask her.

And there's a boy.
Ian, who always passed her the baseball bat, handle first.
Ian, who knew exactly when she needed red licorice.
Ian, who promised her the most amazing night at prom.

Then there's a ditch.
But when Justina is ditched, figuratively and literally, she must piece together--stain-by-stain on her thrift store dress--exactly how she ended up dateless...with only the help of some opinionated ladies at the 7-Eleven.

To get the whole store, Justina will have to face the boy who ditched her. Can losing out at her prom ultimately lead to finding true love?

Am I the only one who thought that the girl in the cover looks exactly like Titi Sjuman?

Go to prom with me? Please?
We could totally carpool.
Check the correct box
[   ] Yes.

Malam prom menjadi semacam petaka bagi Justina.

Ya, nama heroinenya Justina. Seperti Justin, Justina. Davin, Davina. Cuma tidak ada Davina di sini. Hanya perumpamaan.

Kisah diawali dengan Justina (oh it annoys me!!)  yang terdampar di selokan. “Ditched” in the “ditch”. Dengan gaun prom penuh noda dan badan penuh luka. Ooooh ditambah tatto punk tinkerbell di tangan yang masih baru dan terasa menusuk-nusuk.

Tanpa uang, ponsel, lapar, dan kadar gula rendah. Dan out of nowhere di jalanan antah berantah. Ketika memori kejadian semalam sedikit demi sedikit muncul, ia pun menyeret gaun prom spektakuler miliknya (gaun biru, tas biru, sepatu biru, a living blueberry) dan berakhir di 7-eleven. Di sana ia bertemu dengan Gilda, kasir 7-eleven; dan Donna, salah satu pelanggan yang memberi pertolongan pertama dan mendengar kisah malam petakanya.

Setiap noda dan luka mewakili cerita.

“Every time you do a misdeed you must do the right thing 2.5 more times because people don’t just change their mind about you when you do the right thing twice. It has to be more than just a fluke. And multiplying by 3 is just a pain. So 2.5.”
Tokoh-tokoh di Ditched: A Love Story memiliki karakteristik yang menonjol dengan masalah mereka tersendiri.  Bahkan Serenity (bukan nama sebenarnya) pun bisa menunjukkan sisi baiknya kepada Justina. Walaupun saya terganggu dengan tingkah dan asumsi-asumsi liar Justina, dan bingung dengan “Captain scumbag” Ian, mau tak mau saya penasaran dengan kisah sessungguhnya hingga Justina bisa berakhir di 7-eleven dan bukannya happily ever after bersama Ian. Her all-out boyfriend material. Her best friend. Or was.

Yeah, masalah yang ada di sini khas remaja banget, dengan Justina yang drama queen dan heboh tentang apakah Ian suka atau tidak suka sama dia. Seperti kebanyakan YA, ada bumbu-bumbu humor di sini, walaupun kadang saya nggak nangkep di mana lucunya. No, this is not the hilarious type. Just funny. Tapi saya juga sering senyum-senyum sendiri waktu baca Ditched ini. Daaaaaann, di 7-eleven mana kita bisa dapet Snickers, hot dog, dan soda gratis—bonus curhat abis-abisan sama kasirnya? Itu hal yang sulit banget kamu dapatkan walaupun kamu udah muter-muter di Alfamart atau Indomaret di seluruh komplek rumah (yang, dalam kasus saya, jumlahnya banyak banget dan berderet-deret).

Robin Mellom is the author of Ditched, her debut teen novel coming January 2012 from Disney-Hyperion. And also The Classroom, a middle grade series coming from Disney-Hyperion June 2012. Robin has taught grades 5 through 8 and has a master’s degree in education. She lives with her husband and son on the Central Coast of California. Visit her at

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